Infosys launches Industry Cloud to catalyse digital transformation of the commercial airline industry

Infosys has launched of Infosys Cobalt Airline Cloud (ICAC) a first-of-its-kind industry cloud offering designed for commercial airlines to help them accelerate their digital transformation journey.

What is ICAC?

ICAC aims to deliver personalized experiences, streamline operations, and facilitate net zero journeys for clients, addressing the needs of various stakeholders in the airline industry including authorities, passengers, and ground staff.

The platform is built on composable architecture principles and offers solutions, APIs, and reusable business assets to transform legacy workloads and enhance business process efficiency and customer experiences.

What is ICAC?

ICAC improves customer experiences by ensuring precision in baggage delivery and reducing the Missed Bag Rate (MBR) in hub airports by up to 50% through precision-based gate to gate bag transfers.

It enhances operational efficiency by minimizing Unit Load Device (ULD) misplacement and losses to less than 2%, utilizing tracking and tracing methods powered by machine learning.

The platform employs AI for seamless operations, heightened passenger safety, crowd control, security, and theft reduction, and aids in optimizing network and route planning for decarbonization efforts and emission control.