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Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang lists dishwasher, waiter as part work experience on LinkedIn

Jaya Vishwakarma
New Update
Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang part work experience on LinkedIn

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang shares part work experience on LinkedIn

Nvidia's billionaire co-founder and CEO Jensen Huang has listed "Dishwasher, Busboy, and Waiter" as part of his work experience on his LinkedIn profile.

Earlier in his life, the world's 11th richest person, with a net worth of $111 billion, worked at the restaurant chain Denny's, where he washed dishes and cleaned toilets as a teenager. 

jensen huang linkedin experience

“Remember, I used to be a dishwasher. I mean that. I used to clean toilets. I’ve cleaned a lot of toilets. I’ve cleaned more toilets than all of you (audience) combined. And some of them I just can’t unsee," Huang said while discussing his job at Denny's.


“You can’t show me a task that’s beneath me. I’m not doing it only because whether it’s beneath me or not. If you send me something and you want my input on it, and I can be of service to you, and in my review of it, share with you how I reasoned through it, I’ve made a contribution to you. I’ve made it possible for you to see how I reasoned through something,” the 61-year-old said.

Huang was born in Taiwan. His family first moved to Thailand when he was 5, and he was sent to live in the U.S. with an uncle when he was 9.

He faced a difficult upbringing in the U.S. as an immigrant before earning degrees in Electrical Engineering, including an MS from Stanford. At 30, he founded Nvidia, which is now one of the world's most valuable companies.
