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'Startups need war time people, not peace time people', says CRED CEO Kunal Shah

Jaya Vishwakarma
New Update
CRED CEO Kunal Shah

CRED CEO Kunal Shah

Bengaluru-based fintech unicorn CRED's CEO Kunal Shah, in a recent post on X (formerly Twitter), said that startups operate in turbulent environments and require individuals who excel in "wartime" conditions.

According to Shah, those who thrive in peacetime may actually hinder a startup’s progress, as they might not be equipped to handle the intense, fast-paced challenges typical of high-growth ventures.

"Startups are turbulent and need war time people. Peace time people are a liability to them," Shah wrote.


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Netizens reaction

As usual, Shah's post garnered over 155,000 views, with many users taking to the comments section to share their opinions.

"Ironically, people who are mentally at peace are great war time people in execution at work," a user wrote.

"You're absolutely right - startups thrive on resilience and adaptability. It takes a special kind of warrior to navigate those choppy waters," another wrote.

"So true! War time people have the grit and resilience to make things happen. Although it might be quick dirty execution and less structured due to velocity," a third added.

While many users agreed to Shah's post, some expressed differing views.

"In this day and age, everyone needs peace and work-life balance," another noted.

